Our refund policy is valid for 14 days from receipt. No returns outside of this period will be refunded.
To be eligible for a refund, the customers purchase must be returned to the place of supply and may not have been altered or damaged in any manner whatsoever.
A return and the subsequent refund will only be permitted should the product be defective or unfit for purpose. The return or exchange of a purchase made in error will be subject to a 20 percent handling fee.
Proof of purchase will be required for all returns. We will accept a copy of the invoice, packing slip or transport waybill.
Arrangements to return the product to the original place of purchase will be solely at the customers time and expense.
Refunds may be subject to a handling fee or Credit Card administration fee and will be processed within 7 days from return of purchase. Proof of bank account details may be required for this process. The onus will be on the customer to inform us should the refund not be received within in 7 days from date of return.
Due to the nature of our products, the original transaction will be credited and a new transaction processed for the replacement item. A difference in pricing may occur as a result of varying hide sizes in dealing with a natural product.
Discounted items or items sold on sale are not eligible for a refund.